Classic Home Rugs

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Classic Home Rugs has always focused on mastering crafted floor coverings made with high quality materials, trusting it could transform any space and collaborate in the creation of sensational living spaces.

These rugs are crafted by artisans who preserve their traditions with every rug and are constantly creating rugs and area rugs full of charm and affordable for all budgets.  

What rugs are eco friendly? 

Classic Home Rugs craft their carpets using natural fiber, this is an ancient practice that increases the value of their rugs and helps taking care of the environment. Many of their manufacturing centers follow Forest Stewardship Council production and fair-trade guidelines.

Find the best and most durable rugs in the market made with wool yarns and other natural fibers, these are long lasting and add a great style to any space where you use them.

How to clean natural fiber rugs?

In the case you have recently purchased a wool rug or other natural fiber rug, and want to get some easy tips to clean them up and take care of them, we are sharing some advice with you.

Whether you have wool rugs at home or  natural fiber rug made of jute or bamboo viscose, using a rug pad is extremely useful for providing cushion and holding your rug securely in place on the floor.

Most of the time new rugs will shed for a couple of weeks, to deal with this, we suggest vacuuming your rug once or twice a week in the direction of the pile. With time, the excessive shedding will subside.

To help your cleaning processes you can use sunlight, by leaving the rug under the sun for a short time, it will help to kill bacteria and germs, make sure the rug is not under direct sun exposure for a long period of time, it might cause the color patterns to fade away.

In case you want to deep clean your rug, avoid using harsh chemicals on it. Instead wash your carpets using soft soap diluted in a large volume of water, only do this if you have tested the product on a small area of your rug first and make sure it is safe.

What is the best place to shop Classic Home Rugs online?

Discover Rugs Done Right top selection of Classic Home Rugs for indoor spaces and rugs for outdoor spaces, choose your favorite by tone, design, shape, size, or material and enjoy the best cost-benefit relationship in the rug market.

If you have any doubts you can reach out to our dedicated customer service with any question, we will help you to consider all details, from finding a rug that adjusts to the space you have available, whether it is a room or hallway, also to consider your budget that will vary depending on the material and size of the rug.